Martin Lawrence, Ashton Kutcher & Debbie Messing: It’s ‘Open Season’

on the Chinada High Command: Part II


High Profiling the ‘Nazi-‘ Constituent of Fiefdom-

Totalitarian Commu-Nazi Genocidal Racism

© 2009 Brad Kempo B.A. LL.B.

Barrister & Solicitor


There’s an extraordinary and unresolveable disconnect of logic and reason between years of always on message, full-court-press, gatling-gun coercive diplomacy and its total lack of efficacy until human nature within the totalitarian ideology is brought into the equation.  As was observed during the Cold War and with respect to such failed and rouge states as North Korea and Burma, no matter what the civilized world impresses upon them in terms of consequences, their leaderships press on as if they’re invincible, insulated and immune.


The coalition’s discovered that same dynamic north of the 49th Parallel.  Ever since ‘Dogville’, when the most coercive of threats was made to systematically wipe out Chinada’s principals and primary operatives execution-style, the diplomacy record indicates the same untouchability.   


The sequel to ‘Open Season’ was even more coercive than the original as documented.  Producers decided to high profile what Nicole Kidman’s movie represents in terms of available solutions to the Chinada threat; and given its release in September 2009 – with, inter alia, the Beijing Olympics assassination (1), pushing the human experimentation envelop (1, 2, 3, 4) and to include murder, non-stop hypno-torture and accelerating illegality just before, during and right after world summits (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) as part of the geo-political environment – who can doubt their trepidation or diminish or dismiss it as paranoia.   


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Set one year after the events of the first movie, Boog and Elliot are back. After Elliot falls head over hooves with Giselle, Elliot's road to the altar takes a slight detour when Mr. Weenie is kidnapped by a group of pampered pets determined to return him to his owners. Boog, Elliot, McSquizzy, Buddy, and the rest of the woodland creatures launch a full scale rescue mission for their sausage shaped friend and soon find themselves in enemy camp: the world of the pets. Led by a poodle named Fifi (Crispin Glover), the pets do not plan to let Mr. Weenie go without a fight. 






The standard protocol for embedding the lexicon in Triple “E” production was followed again.  In less than a minute and while the first credits were being presented producers inserted the colors of condemnation, quantum and Presidential quantum.   The first constituent is embellished timed to the voiceover “a time of renewal, of rebirth”, which is what the coalition is seeking to effect on the micro and macro levels in Canada.   To the third part of the sentence “…of unbridled optimism” the colors of China are introduced.   And to “…and when new beginnings begin”, the color of justice juxtaposed to the colors of China.




The opening scene involves Elliott being confronted by Boog, McSquuizzy and several other animals.  The squirrel is his usual brash self and producers get him to utter a phrase that’s often used by the Custodian Chief Executive when confronted by hypno-torture in his apartment; calling the malfeasant “freak[s] of nature”.  


Right after that description the geo-politicized dachshund has his first scripted line.  The choice of dog – a distinctly ‘German’ pet – was inserted during the original ‘Open Season’, but given a bit part.  In the sequel he becomes the central character.   The purpose is to high profile what the Nazis were in part infamous for – the institutionalization of enslaving human experimentation for a military purpose.  And producers wanted to draw attention to that in the Fiefdom treatise author’s formulation of Canada’s paradigm of governance, known as ffiefdom-totalitarian commu-nazi genocidal racism.  The phraseology was described in Submission Three as follows:



A Fiefdom treatise coined acronym encapsulating a description of Canada’s system of government: (i) fiefdom– (medieval governing ethos: power and wealth only for a small parasitic elite; perceiving the entire country as belonging to them alone; turning citizens into mere chattels for enslavement, torture and from which to draw schadenfreude pleasure; viewing other nations’ territory as conquerable, their populations to be subjugated and wealth plundered); (ii) –totalitarian (technically total control of government, the economy, the courts, senior Bar, law enforcement, security apparatus, media and educational institutions); (iii) commu– (centralized political power structure and elite command economy; Beijing’s militarization and de facto governance); (iv) –nazi (militarized and institutionalized human experimentation); (v) & (vi) genocidal racism (economic bigotry that led to aboriginal Third World conditions and seeking to extinguish them as a race: Federal Eco-Political Hypocrisy That Proves Economic Genocide in the Last Democratic Fiefdom)



To give the dog more geo-political significance the color of its fur was a more pronounced purple – the lexiconic color of justice – than in the original movie.


Coalition partners have repeatedly high profiled this 21st century atrocity. Private sector members chose what the treatise calls the lab monkey metaphor (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).  World leaders added their voice as documented in:


·         Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: Generates Communiqués to Underscore Israel’s Historic Interest in Militarized Human Experimentation

·         Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Underscores Regime Change in Canada and Halting Stealth Cognition Technology Proliferation to Protect 21st Century Civilization and

·        President Obama: Geo-Politicizes Visit to Buchenwald Concentration Camp to Condemn Enslaving Militarized Human Experimentation; and Coalition Partners Again Confirm Proceeding Against Chinada Principals for Crimes Against Humanity



As Elliott goes on about how much he talks about his enormous antlers – a matter of pride amongst his species – he executes a double-handed quasi-Clooney Maneuver to “I have something big to say” – producers way of articulating the intention of geo-politicizing the film is to remind the Chinada malfeasant they face lethal military force and capital punishment for perpetuating that which has been declared in law as illegal and in diplomacy as attracting the most severe punishment known to humanity.




The other main geo-topic is introduced right after – which is another instance of the isolation-deprivation theme involving romance and marriage.  Boog is wearing a flower that’s been rendered in the color of justice as he reminds Elliott and everyone they have a “ceremony to get to” – his wedding. 


The head buck shows up where Giselle is preparing, advising her that “the ceremony begins at O – eight hundred hours”.  He adds “if all goes according to plan, and it will, we’ll finish up at O – nine hundred hours”.  8 + 9 = 17, another China identifier.


The rabbits are then introduced achieving what purpose they served in the original movie.  This is how they were described in the first supplemental: 



Beth finally settles her pet down for the night.  When he’s about to fall asleep, he hears something hitting the garage window.  He looks up to see a succession of rabbits smacking against the pane.  There are a compensation ratifying five bunnies that smack the glass – being tossed by Elliot to get his new friend’s attention.  This represents the introduction of the Jay Leno March 2006 comedy sketch into the film.  It will be recalled the rabbit is lexiconically symbolic of how the coalition wanted back then to knock the now constitutionally and internationally delegitimized prime minister’s teeth out for failing to capitulate to the demands made upon his government.   The full text of the geo-initiative is in Just How Livid Coalition Partners Are Their Reasonable Demands Were Met with Arrogant Belligerence  - A Retrospective on the Use of Coercive Diplomacy. 




Producers introduce the rabbits this time by including five in this scene, which are foraging for food – an appropriate entrance given what’s in store for those not going to prison for their violation of The Security of Information Act – what’s known within coalition circles as the “dumpster-diver lifestyle”.  


Another compensation ratifier is embedded in this scene.  Just as Elliott used the rabbits as missiles to hit Boog’s garage window pane five times; producers script the bear firing five bunnies at the deer the same number of times.


Elliott then turns the batteries into a joke, yelling “it’s a rabbit fight”; which to the public is similar to a food fight, but for coalition partners it’s a way to describe how the “fight” against the Harpers of Canada is now in full swing.


Boog has fun with the dog by replicating what humans do to pets in terms of getting them to perform tricks.  The grizzly commands Mr. Weenie to “stay”, then “sit”, then “count to ten”.  The dachshund begins counting and only gets to eight – producers juxtaposing unlawful Chinese activities in Canada with what their Nazi counterparts did during the Second World War and after the Nuremberg trials led to capital punishment for the experimenting perpetrators. 


There’s a fork in the story road: Elliot’s wedding ceremony and the dog finding a trail of treats laid out by his owners who’ve returned to find him.  His desire for the kind of luscious food humans provide overrides his instinct to be a wild animal and his eating takes him right into the arms of his ‘captors’.  In the original movie she was attired in the color of justice; and she is again in the sequel.  Thus whenever she and the dog are together producers are placing two categories of communiqués together - Dogville punishment and justice. 





Elliott hears Mr. Weenie in distress during the ‘I Dos’ and runs after him, abandoning Giselle at the alter.  He runs up the hill to see him carted off in the RV; later observed to be rendered in the colors of Chinada.  He returns to the pack to describe what he say.  He fabricates and embellishes what really happened; and producers introduce Harper-ratified institutionalized torture during this scene.  Elliott’s got a rabbit by the scruff of the neck and smacks him a total of five times, the first one to “she tortured him”.  Then this line was added with a Zeta-Jones Maneuver to red flag its geo-relevance: “it was horrible, it was the worst thing I’ve ever seen, oh, the humanity”.




Boog sensing embellishment asks “Are you maybe putting a little too much on that?”.  Producers add an Olmert-Spielberg Maneuver to his gesturing to draw attention to the fact that everything documented in the Fiefdom treatise, especially what’s itemized in The Mid-2006 Daily Torture, Terrorization and Torment Diary: Documenting Violations in the Last Democratic Fiefdom, representing a slice of time and indicative of what’s been going on since the spring of 2006 and non-stop to the present, is accurate.  It is a truthful description of what happened because American intel agencies, including the Pentagon, were monitoring what was going on in his apartment and on the streets of the city, since early 2003. 




For the scene involving the RV is speeding down the highway and the dog’s female owner is expressing her sentiments about his loss and return, producers turn the curtain separating the driving and back portion of the vehicle into a platform to articulate the China prison certainty theme. 




The film introduces the rest of the pets traveling in the RV convoy.  The two who become front-and-center for the rest of the movie are a stubborn, domineering French poodle and passive basset hound.  When first observed the latter is on a doggie cushion comprised of prison certainty and condemnation.  This is another formulation of coalition punishment options: death penalty and imprisonment.




When the poodle is recounting experiences about being in the ‘wild’ like Mr. Weenie was producers script his retrospective to describe what Canada has been like for the Custodian Chief and other victims:




I was once in the vicious clutches of wild animals.  […]  It’s too painful to talk about.  Gather ‘round.  There I was all alone.  Alone in that steaming jungle – that unforgivable heart of darkness where you can’t see your own paws.  And the only sound is the frantic thud – adorable pitter patter of your own heart.  And suddenly… they were everywhere.  There was no escape.  My life flashed before my eyes.  And then the unspeakable... 



During this monologue, the baby poodle enters a tall-grown garden and upon retrieving the justice-colored toy is confronted by ‘wild animals’, who at first appear tame and innocent; and then morph into three monsters.  The first is a quantum colored budgie that swiftly grows in size and is rendered in the colors of China.  Next is a rabbit that turns rabid.  And the third is a ladybug.  


The “unspeakable” involves him backing into a bug zapper.  This is symbolic of the death penalty and the electric chair for those who perpetuated what Dogville represents geo-politically. 





As the discussion between the pets continues the poodle detects a rabbit in the vicinity.  It’s scripted to be in front of a quantum colored dumpster; the wall behind it the color of justice – which constitutes another reference to what is argued in Coalition Partners Put the Minimally Guilty and Unwaveringly Loyal on Notice What Awaits Them After Covert Regime Change.  The poodle’s next line goes directly to what Canada’s then and now constitutionally and internationally delegitimized federal political leader is thought of and what serious consequences await for not capitulating to coalition demands when he took office in January 2006 and then assertively and arrogantly ratifying China’s Canada and global agenda in September ’08 as documented:


Speak of the devil.  Disgusting!  […]  Don’t you understand? We must remain vigilant.  One wild animal among us can send us back to the dark days of anarchy.  [rabbit: Z-J M. X3]  […]  Pay attention: even one little fuzzy bunny can infest us all.  Like the fleas on Roberto’s back, they must all be eradicated.  

[begins barreling for rabbit]  I’m going to tear you apart.  

[stops short, then threatens it with]  

One day, you vile little beast I personally will teach you a lesson you will never forget.





The reference to the “devil” draws attention to what was documented originally in By Their Own Admission Canada's Three Sub-Factions Want to be Perceived as Enthusiastically Evil. And it speaks to what is argued in Is the Chinada Community an Evil Worshipping Cult of Enthusiastic Simpletons?


As the ‘wild animals’ are searching for Mr. Weenie, Giselle appears asking if she can join the expedition.   She confronts him leaving her at the alter and he retorts about being worried about the “forever and ever” part of marriage; but couches his critique in terms of the dog being lost “forever and ever”.   As he refines his remark so as not to offend her producers have him execute an Eva Maneuver, which turns his reformulation into a description of what black-hole rendition entails: Chinada Operatives “Enemy Combatants” and Subject to the Same Treatment as Radical Islamist Fundamentalists Who Militarily Threaten the Coalition; and President Obama’s Inner Core: 'Black Hole' Rendition.




The animals discover the RV at a gas station and attempt to effect a rescue.  When Boog et al. gain entry to the vehicle and to avoid detection by the attendant, he hits the floor and makes like he’s a bear skin rug.  The attendant peers through the window and marvels at the rug, commenting to himself outloud “Face it Earl, these folks are living your dream”.  Producers then cut to the inside of the vehicle where the foreground consists of the China prison certainty curtains; the purpose being to state on the diplomatic record that the objective is to imprison those who thought they could violate domestic and international law with impunity. 





Inside the gas station, the woman is looking at outfits to purchase for her pet.  One of them is rendered with the pattern of prison certainty; and is placed in front of her still justice colored attire.


Boog et al. would have liberated the dachshund but for the fact he’s been chained with pad lock to the vehicle.  They resort to pulling him by his hind legs hoping the collar will slip off.  Elliott is on the bear’s back trying to provide leverage.  At one point he grabs the grizzly by the nose – a way of embedding a Clooney Maneuver to articulate how the coalition is doing what it can to emancipate the Custodian Chief from his experimentation and torture hellhole.





Elliott and his bride get into a dispute, leading her to decide to return home.  Boog seeks to mitigate this loss to the team; and the squirrel affirms her value to the rescue effort.  The bear effects an Eva Maneuver to “We need Giselle”.  On behalf of the entire coalition membership, producers are conveying the sentiment of how critical the Custodian Chief is to achieving stated objectives. 





McSquizzy employs a Clooney Maneuver to Boog’s “She’s a great tracker” – adding “And without her we wound never have found Weenie and that giant tin can thing” – producers referring to the Fiefdom treatise and subsequent research that discovered Canada’s true nature and then subsequently flushed out of the system those who else have been complicit and loyal.


The decision is for Elliott to be banished from the rescue party; and he and the rest go their separate ways to find Mr. Weenie.  


At the campground the dog’s owners set up an electronic fence to keep their pet from wandering off again.  The husband accidentally gets zapped by the system, followed by the wife stating “Don’t worry Mr. Weenie, it’s more comfortable that it looks”.  He executes a Clooney Maneuver to turn his experience into a reference to the electric chair and her observation about the pen a description of prison, which is much more “comfortable” than being buried eight feet under.



She adds “stay inside the invisible pet fortress” – another way to describe the curtain of coalition confidentiality (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) that will allow for the successful and protracted incarceration of hundreds of thousands of Canada’s complicit.  


The two owners bid their returned pet adieu, the wife stating “mommy and Bob are going to go have some grown-up time with the adults”.   The husband effects a Colbert Maneuver to red flag this remark as referring to the ‘pubescent’ nature of Canadian governance. 





The animals discover the RV convoy has stopped at a playland for animals and have to figure out how they can gain entry to effect the rescue without being detected.   When they dress up as humans they’re confronted by security.  As they prove their identities by producing a hotel room key, an elderly lady appears looking for that which got the animals entry.  She’s attired in prison certainty (chain link fence).   The prison certainty – coalition – quantum – condemnation attired security guard grabs her and treats her like an animal impersonating humans, arguing (with red flagging Colbert Maneuver) “You’re not fooling anyone with that phony disguise”. 





Producers insert the Fiefdom treatise argument that what shields militarized totalitarianism is a cleverly manufactured multi-decade façade of democratic respectability involving the direct complicity of government, the media and academia and the three constituents of the administration of justice (Bench, Bar and law enforcement).   He unceremoniously tosses her, adding “out of here you vagrant” – an apt but mild description of Canada’s worst.


When security finds out there are wild animals in the park they begin to fire tranquilizer darts at them.  However, one of the lifeguards is hit in the cross-fire and is wheeled out on a paramedic’s stretcher.   After he’s placed inside the ambulance and Mr. Weenie’s owners impress upon a staff member they’d lost their dog, producers insert another Fiefdom treatise discovery: institutionalized racism (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). When an African-American character is introduced the husband executes an Erin Maneuver and the staff member an Anderson Maneuver.  And when the dog appears and jumps into her arms, the African-American executes a Colbert Maneuver to reinforce the condemnation.





After the rescue is effected, Elliott and Giselle get married and while before he couldn’t bring himself to unequivocally assert his loves her, he now says so in unambiguous terms.  Producers show all pets back where they’re supposed to be, including Mr. Weenie who resigns himself to being a pet.  The movie concludes with The Carpenter’s hit song “Close to You”.  Dogville punishment and the final attainment of international justice constitute the geo-political ending to 'Open Season 2'.








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